Amid the ripe Atari, E.T., Punky Brewster, A.l.f., He-man, Light Bright, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, Gremlins, Ferris Bueller, Rock'em Sock'em Robots, Glow Worm, Cabbage Patch, My Little Pony, Garbage Pail Kids, Laser Tag, Purple Rain memories of our past, there should also be a vivid recollection of our simply complex and down-right frickin' frustrating pal, the Rubik's cube. I can remember trading in mud pie bake-offs and hopscotch matches in exchange for a small, yet considerable nonetheless, amount of time dedicated to fiddling with that thing.
As it is with most fads, this one has been resurrected. Now there's a newer, exceedinly difficult version of this old school classic phucker-of-a-toy. . . As if the original model wasn't effin' annoying enough.
(Sidenote: You'll soon realize through future blogs, my timing in catching up to the latest gadgets, whatchamawhoseits and doo-dads is impeccably off. But you'll play "Pretend" like a good little sport and roll right along with me on that now, won't you? Of course, you will.)
Despite my bittersweet experiences with the 3D mechanical puzzle, I'm willing to throw myself into the fire and embers of frustration once more by purchasing one of the new cubes. . . for nostalgia's sake.