Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chore Shrug

There is a mountain of clothes staring at me in the corner of my room. Sir Fredrick climbed it earlier. Must be some chihuahua humor I've not yet learned to appreciate. Jerk.

The new dish washing liquid I purchased a week ago says it's supposed to soften my hands with each use. Is that some twisted form of motivation to get me to wash dishes more? Epic fail.

Laundry is the devil. Doing the dishes is its concubine. They can all kick rocks tonight.

Where is the Rosie robot maid from The Jetsons when you need her?


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Possible Impossibilities #1

When the sun was no more than a few months old, I dreamed we were visiting my grandmother's house. The family there is thoroughly indoctrinated and devoutly Christian. Assume what you will here. Read between the lines.

So anyway, in the dream, I lay my little one down on the couch to sleep, and join a conversation about who-knows-what with my kin. While slumbering, the sun begins to physically levitate in his sleep, lifting as much as 8 or 9 inches off of the couch. 

My family is in shock. They all watch in silent awe and slight disgust, until one of them breaks the silence and asks "Kim what have you been teaching him? This is wrong. People are not supposed to do that."

I reply, "I teach him he can be anything. . . do anything. That there are no limits. I teach him to question, to explore, and to defy the odds. . . to fly." 

The relative who broke the silence shakes her head and says "That is a sin against God. People can't fly. You're going to Hell."

I pick up the sun and leave. Then, I wake up. 

Fast forward to yesterday. The sun (who is now a budding young 6th grader) and I are spending quality time together. He initiates a random conversation out of the blue (as he so often does) about whatever's on his mind at the moment. This time, it is about his dreams. 

"Oh mama...." (the way he always starts the conversation when he's been dying to tell me something but until that point had not been able to find the right words to do so)..."I had this weird dream. Well, I think it was a dream. It seemed like I was awake though. I could see everything in the room. But I fell asleep right here on the floor last night while I was watching TV, and then I just started floating a few inches off the floor. I didn't want to move, because I thought I would fall down. It seemed real. . .Has that happened to you before?" 

I remembered my dream from years ago then. I'd never shared any of them with him.  Guess this is a sign that it's time to start.  I rummaged through tablet upon tablet of old notes and scattered thoughts with dust collected on them to find where I'd written that one down. I had to be sure I wasn't imagining things. 

Found it. I wasn't. I shared it with him. 

I spent the rest of yesterday in somewhat of a quiet contemplative state, wandering aimlessly about the possibilities of the impossible...like "flying" when you're hard-wired to believe you can not. 

Or is it a safer practice to not partake in that fruit? 

- kj

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Technolution Will Not Be Televised

Technology is the most progressive hinderance of all time.  Convenience breeds laziness, I believe. The gadgetry of our day makes us do incredibly idiotic things, like text someone you're sitting in the same room with or forget what 12 x 12 = because you've always had some tool to compute it for you.  And you think nothing of it.  I of course am no exception.

What if one day our endless array of electronics realized their own power and decided to revolt? What if that iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc suddenly had a spark of independent thought? What if -- instead of silently bending to our commands and following orders to access our info, play our music, dial this person or that one, compile & house data for this or that end -- it one day said "no more"?

As of late, I've had day-dreams of technology developing a sense of superiority and maximizing on its innate ability to captivate us so. And I wonder if their revolution will be televised...or if the television sets will have gone on strike that day.

- kj

Monday, August 23, 2010

Free Association (Or Something Like It)

The mind's a funny thing. Or perhaps, mine is. I carve out time here & there to get lost in it. It's a Bermuda Triangle. Point of no return, even.

I play connect-the-dots with concepts that seem totally unrelated with the same ease an Aquarius uses to steer a conversation far left. No longer poised at its original ball park post, incessant subject jumping serves as the captain of that ship eventually. (Dodging the bullets I foresee coming from that statement; though it's all in good fun...sorta.)

Anyway, as it happens, I remember the oddest scenes & quotes from motion pictures, songs, and even from the never-ending movie reel of life.  In fact, tonight's thoughts shifted somehow to a line about "free association writing" taken from The Sixth Sense by M. Knight Shamalamasomething. It's the part where the psychologist (played by actor Bruce Willis) asks Cole (Haley Joel Osment): "Do you know what free association writing is, Cole? A psychological expression referring to the act of just writing down (or saying) whatever thoughts or ideas comes to your mind."

How'd my mind skip to that? Who knows? But it's there...work with me. I digress. I often do. (Ahem).

I enjoy the art of finding the tiniest fraction of a similarity in naked-eye view dissimilarities and expanding on it. I figure, in the grand scheme, even nonsense has to make some sense.  That said, if I understand the concept of free association writing to even the slightest degree, it seems to be an activity that flirts with the idea of letting the psyche go psycho and then assigning meaning to it. Evaluating it. Dissecting it. Analyzing the thought processes behind it. Giving gibberish relevance. Following where it leads. Kinda what I do here in this blog. I never know what direction I'm headed in or what point will be proven. I just type continuously until my hands/fingers feel slightly carpal tunnelish.

No but seriously... It's a brilliant way to pull thoughts, ideas, repressed feelings, etc. that you never knew existed to the forefront so that you can confront and/or acknowledge them.  To ensure effectiveness, you simply let the thoughts flow freely - as the technique title implies - and avoid the conditioned human urge to censor yourself or think before writing or speaking.

Think I'll give it a go and see what comes out. Couldn't hurt. I'll try anything thrice. Anything within reason, that is <---- There I go with that friggin' programmed desire to censor and edit myself.

- kj

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dream Log Entry - 08.16.10

While floating in mid air next to a male figure whose name, face, features and overall identity I wasn't allowed to see,  I seemed to be enthralled in a discussion with him about how to increase one's power. Furthermore, the direction of the debate had taken a turn so that it was then centered around which of us was the more powerful one.  

For whatever reason, in this dream we were in cartoon form. Nothing more than animated caricatures of ourselves. Colorful and vivid, we appeared to be noticeably passionate about whatever point it was that we were trying to prove to one another.

Then out of nowhere, the voice spoke to me as it so often does...saying, "Your power, albeit great, can only be increased by giving. Only by freely sharing the energy you both already possess will you be able to receive new, and far more abundant, energy..."

Enter, my alarm clock and that familiar jolt back into this mundane reality once more. Another piece of the puzzle collected. . .

- kj

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dream Log Entry - 08.15.10

There is not much that I recall about the beginning of this dream aside from the fact that falling asleep felt akin to sinking into a dark hole where countless images of random people, places & things were coming toward me at high speed.

The next thing I can vividly recall was the voice that always accompanies me in my dreams telling me "the act of sleeping is the same as dialing in...when you're dreaming, you're having a waking life experience on the other side."

I understood that to mean: when I am asleep in this reality, I am instead awake, alive, breathing and fully conscious in dream land. And conversely, when I'm sleeping in dream land, that is when I rise to the sound of my alarm clock as this waking life version of me and go about my daily routine (work, school, chores, etc) - all of which is nothing more than a dream to the other me.

Sleep seems to be a bridge between the two dimensions, and who I am in both is equally real. The dream me has a life of her own. She has a son just like me, though her occupation is not the same. She's either deeply in love or seemingly romantically involved with a person I don't really even know in my waking life. I want to learn more about her (the other me). . .I am almost covetous of my own alternate life in that realm.

But what happens if waking life me & dream land me meet face-to-face? Thus far, it seems we're only subconscious observers of one another. Will a meeting cause a shift in the balance of whatever version of reality I'm in at the time?  And who is the owner of that informative, yet familiar, voice in my dreams? Is it God? A dream land tour guide of sorts? My higher self?

I will continue to collect my pieces of the divine jigsaw, by logging as many dream experiences as I can recall each day. Perhaps someday it'll all make sense and the "big collage" will be complete...or it'll form a cohesive theme, at the very least.

There are so many, many, many parallels.... (c) Radio Galaxy

- kj

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

foreseer, web-weaver or neither?

many family members, friends and acquaintances have come to know me over time as a woman who has an odd ability to foresee future events playing out in her dreams.  later, in a time unforeseen unfortunately, these events manifest to a very noticeable degree in waking life (reality).

am i a fortune-teller/precog? or am i simply an idea planter who needs merely a fraction of an opening in the minds eye? what do i believe?

i'm never absolutely certain of anything, to tell you the truth. simply put though, i've heard it said (and don't quote me on this): the present dies every moment, becoming the past instantly. future upon future upon future is birthed as this cycle continues infinitely. that makes sense and strikes a chord somewhere with me. so, i'll call it an agreed upon truth . . . for now. . . hey, i'm changeable. so's the universe.

that in mind, i don't believe that i dream definite realities. instead, i think i dream potential realities. furthermore, as the subject of my dreams, one's footsteps in the "now" breathe life into them. they are nothing without the subject's buy-in. the subject has the power ultimately; the power of choice.

step forward with the knowledge of what has been divulged. . . or walk in a new direction to change it. i don't make the choice. i only see some of the options.

the end. <- or is there a such thing?

- kj