Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Technolution Will Not Be Televised

Technology is the most progressive hinderance of all time.  Convenience breeds laziness, I believe. The gadgetry of our day makes us do incredibly idiotic things, like text someone you're sitting in the same room with or forget what 12 x 12 = because you've always had some tool to compute it for you.  And you think nothing of it.  I of course am no exception.

What if one day our endless array of electronics realized their own power and decided to revolt? What if that iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc suddenly had a spark of independent thought? What if -- instead of silently bending to our commands and following orders to access our info, play our music, dial this person or that one, compile & house data for this or that end -- it one day said "no more"?

As of late, I've had day-dreams of technology developing a sense of superiority and maximizing on its innate ability to captivate us so. And I wonder if their revolution will be televised...or if the television sets will have gone on strike that day.

- kj

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