Saturday, October 15, 2011

To: Self...With Love - #1

Dear Self:

Where do I begin? Where do I end? Headphones glued to your ears again, I see. Yet another night of mentalism. Are you tuning the world out or tuning in?

And my, what self scrutinizing skills you have. The better to analyze and correct your course with, I suppose. Don't be so hard on yourself. There is no move that you could possibly make that should be followed with regret.

Live...and by all means...let someone in. It's long overdue. Put a welcome mat at the door. Not a pit bull.

You're smiling now. A'tta girl.

By the way, I love you. Flaws and all...even when you're moody, insecure or sullen. Never forget it.

With Love,


  1. This is what made me brag about you all day, everyday. Sometimes a heartfelt letter is all it takes to awaken your vitality. It doesn't have to be hard, or heard, but heeded. :) My Spacebunny!

  2. thank u so much for the push, brethren :)
