Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dream Log Entry - 08.15.10

There is not much that I recall about the beginning of this dream aside from the fact that falling asleep felt akin to sinking into a dark hole where countless images of random people, places & things were coming toward me at high speed.

The next thing I can vividly recall was the voice that always accompanies me in my dreams telling me "the act of sleeping is the same as dialing in...when you're dreaming, you're having a waking life experience on the other side."

I understood that to mean: when I am asleep in this reality, I am instead awake, alive, breathing and fully conscious in dream land. And conversely, when I'm sleeping in dream land, that is when I rise to the sound of my alarm clock as this waking life version of me and go about my daily routine (work, school, chores, etc) - all of which is nothing more than a dream to the other me.

Sleep seems to be a bridge between the two dimensions, and who I am in both is equally real. The dream me has a life of her own. She has a son just like me, though her occupation is not the same. She's either deeply in love or seemingly romantically involved with a person I don't really even know in my waking life. I want to learn more about her (the other me). . .I am almost covetous of my own alternate life in that realm.

But what happens if waking life me & dream land me meet face-to-face? Thus far, it seems we're only subconscious observers of one another. Will a meeting cause a shift in the balance of whatever version of reality I'm in at the time?  And who is the owner of that informative, yet familiar, voice in my dreams? Is it God? A dream land tour guide of sorts? My higher self?

I will continue to collect my pieces of the divine jigsaw, by logging as many dream experiences as I can recall each day. Perhaps someday it'll all make sense and the "big collage" will be complete...or it'll form a cohesive theme, at the very least.

There are so many, many, many parallels.... (c) Radio Galaxy

- kj

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