Sunday, December 4, 2011


Woke up. Put my headphones on. Closed my eyes. Meditated. This is what came out.


In the beginning there was the sound resting neatly amid the heavy, but not bound by it. It found peace in weightlessness, namelessness, unidentifiable vibration that only sought to be "one".

Yet, there it stood, sticking out like sore thumbs or stray brows. A rainbow hiding itself for protection. Defense mechanisms proven faulty...when it opened its mouth...and sang.

Its conflict with Self formed sparks during combat that quickly knew themselves as stars. Their hearts pulsating, giving way to life-forming frequencies.

There is power in the slightest utterances. Once spoken, motion is set into play. Regrets are as much a waste of energy as a discarded yesterday that can not be recycled. So it avoided them and settled on a present tense "this is good". . . and rested.

But the pages kept turning. The stones kept rolling. History records keep spinning. A heavy heady steady rotation in time. Sphere on axis, needle on wax, it's...sublime...and several millenia later, I'm...the result.

The thought that was a rainbow cloaking itself in invisibility who broke its silence unintentionally was a shadow no more when it became sound, elements, star/solar systems uniting as galaxies, life-sustaining planets, earth, soul, human, seed of father that made it to mother's egg, child thereof, female, Aries, 1st born on the 5th day preceeding Resurrection (Easter).

Kimberly they named her...and so Kimberly it became.

And it was good.

But the pages kept turning. The stones kept rolling. History records keep spinning. A heavy heady steady rotation in time. Sphere on axis, needle on wax, it's...sublime...and several years later, I...multiplied the result.

- K. Jefferson

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