Friday, December 9, 2011

Passengers on the Train of Thought

by: K. Jefferson

Ran into a friend/co-worker on the train yesterday; a wonderful Piscean woman I know whose energy I absolutely adore. There's just something to the Aries-Pisces connection that is marked by abstract thought, intuition, an unconventional take on spirituality, the unseen themes behind external events, and the ability to freakin' read each others' minds & spirits at all times. LOL... I'm sure the females I am closely connected with are laughing and nodding as they read this.

We represent the Alpha-Omega principle. Aries being the beginning of a cycle and Pisces signifying the ending of a cycle before the ascension into a new one (started over by Aries again)... and the cycles continue. We inherently understand that life is series of infinite cycles of change (or deaths & rebirths). We ensure that it keeps happening. It must.

Anyway, so as we're riding on the train (of thought - perhaps, in the grand design), the conversation sparks up randomly about our personal connections with people - especially romantically. What was both reaffirmed by both of us by the end of it, was as follows... and it is not law. It is just our realization based on our experiences and observations in life. And life is the most divine teacher.

A person is a symbol. Beyond what you see, they are a combination of qualities, attributes, elements, and energies....each individual as unique as a fingerprint, though bound by the same life force/source. As we connect with one another in life, we share those combinations with each other.

I am beginning to believe more and more through experience, analysis, observation, meditation and opening myself up more to channel divine wisdom, that our connections (friendships, relationships, affairs, encounters, etc) represent lessons at each turn. We don't realize it as we're going through the experience with that person at the time. It is usually in hindsight that it hits us, and the jigsaw falls into place revealing a more complex puzzle that spans on into the distant relative future.

Often times, we have a tendency to try to force people to be what we want them to be or yearn for situations to turn out the way we want them to. However, there's an ultimate design. That person or situation was what who/what they needed to be, when/where they needed to be it. They had a specific mission and purpose for presenting themselves to you at a specific point in time in your life.

Perhaps they represent qualities that you need to reactivate within yourself. Maybe they possess the structure that you'd like to solidify in your own life. Further still, some people are meant to test your abilities. Are you really as strong, spiritual, successful, principled, faithful, loyal, loving, virtuous, honest, generous, etc. as you claim to be?

"Let's see what you've got," those last types of energies/people seem to say to us subconsciously. Ex: That horrible situation where your partner criticizes every quality you possess, makes you doubt everything about yourself, preying heavily on your insecurities, could serve to pull out the will in you to find the beauty within yourself...and when you find it, you move on - leaving that situation (lesson) behind.

What we have to understand is that we are more than man, woman, black, white, human, earthling, ... we are life energy. And life energy is infinite and can not ever completely be contained - nor does it ever truly die. It regenerates itself through another birth into something else.

So as much as we'd like to keep the people in our lives on a leash, control them, hold them too tightly, etc...we do not own them. They have free will to choose their own course, and we can not keep them from their lessons. Let us always be reminded of that at every juncture.

Embrace the energy when it presents itself.  Surrender yourself to the sights, sounds and sensations of the experience. Use your intuition to instinctively notice when it's time to act or be still or ebb & flow. And when it's time to let go, thank the experience for finding you and do so...or you'll stunt your own growth.

The Creator/Destroyer/Life Force is omniscient (ever present). It is everywhere, in everything (including us), at every turn, in every moment. From the cosmos to the grain of sand to that crackhead on the corner to the dancer in the strip club to the micro-organisms. . . all of it. I call it "God" for the sake of conversation.

But that label sounds infantile. One can not confine the unfathomable and bind it to a name or concrete entity. Know that, like you, the people we come into contact with are a part of that same energy.


- kj

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